People on Trains and in Stations Risk Group
Update provided on PTI strategy
The People on Trains and in Stations Risk Group (PTSRG) is developing a new platform-train interface (PTI) strategy to support industry in the management of PTI risk. Stakeholders shared thoughts and aspirations for the strategy at a recent cross-industry workshop. They highlighted the importance of innovation, continuous improvement in risk control, and valuing even small improvements. Next steps are being decided. The aim is to have five tactical groups to deliver the new PTI strategy into 2024–29.
Trends seen in SOPE events
The PTSRG is calling for improved data quality and awareness initiatives concerning sitting on the platform edge (SOPE) incidents. This comes as data show a connection between SOPE events and both demographic patterns and seasonal trends. It has been proposed that the SOPE workstream, currently in PTSRG’s wheelhouse, is moved to the Trespass and Suicide Prevention Steering Group’s.
PTSRG welcomes new Chair
Stuart Browning, c2c’s Safety, Sustainability & Compliance Director, has been appointed Chair of the PTSRG. He replaces Jenny Saunders, Govia Thameslink Railway’s Customer Services Director. Members extended a heartfelt thanks for Jenny’s dynamic leadership and commitment to driving change in the industry at the group’s May meeting.
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