Separately, the RFOG sponsored a knowledge search into personal health monitoring (PHM) devices in train driving. The group wanted to know if PHM devices could reduce the user’s risk of incapacity such that they could return to work. The search results were presented at the group’s September meeting, and members think there’s merit in considering the use of these devices.
Infrastructure Safety Leadership Group
Last met in September
The Infrastructure Safety Leadership Group (ISLG) has established a task and finish group to help reduce incidents of objects being left on the line. This is a direct response to an ‘objects on the line’ report, which called for the ISLG to develop and own a code of practice, with the support of RSSB. This subgroup will capture and standardise current good practice, as well as address areas for improvement.
Meanwhile, the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) may conduct a class investigation following the near miss with a track worker near Chiltern Green in April. ISLG has provided an overview of its work in the areas that would be covered by the investigation. The group will provide ongoing support to RAIB during any investigation.
Stations Working Group
Last met in September
The Stations Working Group has identified three new workstreams to support its strategy to provide safe and intuitive station and on-board environments:
Crowd management: Identify whether inconsistent terminology and interventions introduces risk to rail and determine if further actions are needed.
Risks associated with train dispatch: Use human factors methodology to identify and categorise risks associated with train dispatch.
Station boarding ramps: Assist duty holders by identifying risks and mitigations and by clarifying relevant standards and frameworks.
Asset Integrity Group
Last met in September
The Asset Integrity Group (AIG) has appointed leads for its new task and finish groups, providing structure and focus to the delivery of its initiatives. However, it will seek an industry appointment to lead its Extreme Weather and Asset Resilience Task and Finish Group. The AIG’s various projects are at different stages of delivery, reflecting signs of good progress.
Separately, the group enthusiastically discussed objects on the line. The topic was part of the AIG’s new ‘rotating theme approach’,whereby a different theme is discussed at each meeting. The group would like to allocate more time to these themed discussions at future meetings to enhance participation and share insights.