The cross-industry risk groups are a pillar of the rail sector, where collaboration leads to innovation and problem solving. If you aren’t a member, keeping up with the latest news and upcoming projects from all the industry groups and committees can be a challenge. The System Safety Risk Group (SSRG) and the Rail Wellbeing Alliance (RWA) co-ordinate 13 subgroups between them. Each is tasked with delivering a specific part of the Rail Health and Safety Strategy (RHSS). To help industry make the most of all the valuable work they do, they’re launching Project on a Page.
Project on a Page is concise yet comprehensive activity report that will be available starting in January 2025. It will provide updates on the delivery of each activity undertaken by the risk groups. These will be collected in a delivery document, which will act as a compendium, detailing the roadmap of activities for each group over the next 5 years. The delivery document will be updated annually to reflect the latest developments, key activities, resources, events, and how you can take part.
This means rail organisations can see where to get the information they need to address current challenges and build forthcoming resources into their longer-term business plans. By having access to this information in a condensed and accessible format, you can quickly identify relevant projects, see their status, and know when you can start to benefit from that work.