Rail leader update on sustainability
The latest from RSSB's cross-industry groups and committees.
The Rail Leader Update videos share the latest headlines from our groups and committees. By collaborating on the issues industry is grappling with, the groups and committees ensure Britain’s railway becomes safer, more sustainable, and more efficient.
In the latest update, Angela Cruickshanks, Sustainable Rail Programme Lead at RSSB, discusses the work being done to support industry's response to the climate emergency and ensure a sustainable future.
It’s now four years since the UK government legislated a net-zero emissions target by 2050, mobilising the industry to make rail an even greener mode of transport. The government has also set out environmental requirements and targets in National Rail contracts.
Angela presents the projects being delivered by the Sustainable Rail Leadership Group (SRLG), its technical working groups, and RSSB’s sustainability team to assist the industry as rail companies seek to build on recent progress and achieve the goals set by government.
Key projects cover:
environmental waste
noise pollution
social value.
Angela CruickshanksSustainable Rail Programme Lead, RSSB