Strategy overview
Risks, road maps, and review to deliver the strategy.
The strategy sets out five key risks, each one underpinned by data and risk analysis.
The key risks are:
Health and wellbeing
Occupational health and safety
Asset management
Public behaviour
The strategy presents strategic road maps which set out key collaborative activities critical for improving performance in the risk areas.
The strategy identifies common solutions which are important enablers for delivering the strategic vision.
They set out activity required to successfully deliver against key health and safety objectives.
The strategy explores the value of enhanced collaboration in industry, and how going beyond reactive cooperation can transform performance and maturity of the industry.
Individual duty holders will continue to identify and address their key risks. But they will benefit from aligning decisions with the broader strategy and initiatives set out here.
The strategy presents a range of input and output measures for monitoring progress.
The success of the strategy depends on actions being taken, and by understanding the changes in safety performance over the life of the strategy and beyond.